The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2024)

sues Danish owner Red Viet brass offers Florida spilled into river, ceasefire stipulations filed (AP) a JACKSONVILLE, The $1,000,000 state suit of Fla. Saturday Florida of against national the of tanker Mercandia Denmark, Mere Inter- owners Bueagainst the owners of a caneer. The ship is accused of strength of the puppet South Vietnamese army and to use Vietnamese to fight against Vietnamese to satisfy American bellicose circles. "The United States government hopes it prolongs the war, the Vietnamese people will encounter more difficulties and we will have to accept American terms. But this can't happen.

On the contrary, the more that the war drags on, the greater the difficulties that will be encountered by the United States. "That's why we say the Vietnamization policy is doomed to fail." "Genuine peace" could be restored he said, if the United States committed itself to withdrawing all its forces without imposing any conditions and recognizing the independence and sovereignty, of South Vietnam, where free and democratic general elections would be organized and a broad provisional coalition government set up through consultations among all political circles of South Vietnam who stand for peace, independence and neutrality. CENTRE D'ACCUEIL AMOS, proceed with the Vietnamization plan regardless of what happens at the conference. "Our purpose is to conduct serious negotiations, recognizing that the United States has to stop the aggression it started and to leave South Vietnam, not make it a new colony. "We have a serious attitude in negotiations as well as in all our struggles, but the American side must also have a serious attitude if negotiations are to advance.

"If Vietnamization is to be used as a basis of negotiations, negotiations cannot possibly make progress. public opinion in the United States has noted that the Nixon administration has been trying to create the impression that the Paris conference has lessened importance now. "We've ver often said Vietnamization does not mean ending the war but prolonging it. The United States is withdrawing its troops, by driblets in order to down public opinion against the war the United States. The American hope is to build QUEBEC APPEL D'OFFRES En 1 vertu de la Loi de la 'Habitation du et du de la Famille et du Bien-Etre Social.

PROJET: Construction d'un foyer de 96 lits pour personnes Amos, PROPRIETAIRE: La Corporation des Personnes de la Region d'Amos, Amos, ARCHITECTE: Paul Sainte-Marie 6600 Cote des Neiges Suite 420 INGENIEURS-CONSEILS: Falardeau et 31. Avenue ouest Amos, 4070 ouest Jean-Talon LES ENTREPRENEURS GENERAUX: Seuls. les Entrepreneurs ayant leur principale place d'affaire dans la Province de sont soumissioner. Les Entrepreneurs soumissionnaires peuvent se procurer les plans et devis, les informations la de leur soumission et les formules officielles de soumission au bureau de l'Architecte ou au bureau du de la Ville d'Amos, monsieur Emery Bordeleau, au 62, avenue est, Amos, documents devront en avertir l'Architecte une seront Amos ce jour de 1970. Les soumissionnaires d'obtenir ces l'avance.

Un de $100.00 comptant ou sous forme de cheque fait au nom de l'Architecte et de $100.00 fait au nom des sera pour ces documents. Ce sera remis aux soumissionnaires sur de ses documents avant le 3 avril '70. cette date ce sera Le de tout Entrepreneur qui ne remettra pas sa soumission sera Les soumissions seront d'un ou d'un bon de cautionnement au nom du pour une somme de $80.000.00 et valide pour une de 90 jours compter de la date de sournission. Les soumissions seront recues au bureau du de la Ville d'Amos, monsieur Emery Bordeleau, 62, avenue est, Amos, 4 heures p.m. le 27 mars '70; celles-ci remises dans des enveloppes portant mention: "SOUMISSION POUR LA CONSTRUCTION DU CENTRE D'ACCUEIL.

D'AMOS." et monsieur Frigon de La Corporation des Personnes de la d'Amos, Ces soumissions seront ouvertes 8 heures p.m. le jour de Ville. Les soumissionnaires sont assister l'ouverture des soumissions. Le ne s'engage pas accepter ni la plus basse ni aucune des soumissions SOUS-TRAITANTS: Les sous-traitants dont la liste suit accompageront leur soumission d'un ou d'un bon de cautionnement fait au nom du valide pour une de 120 jours compter de la date de soumission et d'un montant fixe Les soumissions des sous-traitants pour les travaux ci-dessous seront dans des enveloppes aux Bureaux des Soumissions de: 4970 Place de la Savanne ou de: Rouyn: 32, rue Principale, 3.00 p.m. le 19 mars '70.

Ces soumissions seront ouvertes 3.00 p.m. le 20 mars '70 au Bureau des Soumissions de Rouyn, 32 rue Principale. SPECIALITES BON DE CAUTIONNEMENT Plomberie 8,000.00 Ventilation 3,000.00 10,000.00 Equipment de cuisine 2,500.00 Les sous-traitants des ci-haut de soumissionner peuvent consulter les plans chez les Entrepreneurs soumissionnaires, aux Bureaux des Soumissions et de Rouyn, au bureau de 'Architecte, au bureau des ou s'ils obtenir des documents ils peuvent en avertir l'Architecte ou les qui les mettra en relations avec leurs Imprimeurs qui leur transmettra aux frais normeaux d'impression, manutention et transport ces documents. Seuls, les Entrepreneurs et les soustraitants, qui respecteront toutes les clause de l'appel d'offre, des instructions aux soumissionnaires, formule de soumission ou autres conditions aux documents constitutifs par l'Architecte et les Le secretaire, IVANHOE FRIGON, JR. The GAZETTE, Montreal, Mar, 2, 1970 39 MATHS, CHOSEN CHILDREN AND CARDS OF THANES MARRIAGE NOTICES BIRTHS DEATHS UNVEILINGS ENGAGEMENTS REQUIEM MASSES ANNOUNCEMENTS IN MEMORIAMS To Place These NOTICES of Vital Statistics; Please Call 866.4771 from 1 P.M.

8c per word and holidays HOURS 1 A.M. to Saturday dally SUNDAY to 4.30 P.M. (Birth and RATES minimum charge (except Death Notices only) $1.50 per dav. By DANIEL DELUCE HANOI (AP) North Vietnam's deputy premier and foreign minister, Nguyen Duy Trinh, described in an interview recently the terms under which the provisional revolutionary government of South Vietnam be able to agree to a standstill ceasefire with United States forces in South Vietnam, Amplifying on written answers given earlier in reply to questions from The Associated Press, he said: "The main effect is that such an agreement must provide for the withdrawal of all American troops and for the right of the South Vietnamese to settle their problems among themselves. That means recognition of the independence and sovereignty of South Vietnam.

"Before making an agreement, the question is how to assure progress at the fourparty conference in Paris and how these parties are to consider substantive questions. "The conference has been marking time several months now. "President Nixon, in a speech on Nov. 3, 1969, made it clear he is engaged in two processes, negotiation and Vietnamization, but he will CITY OF MONTREAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION NOTICE OF EXAMINATION Examinations for INCINERATOR FOREMAN (des Carrieres Incinerator) will be held on Monday, March 2 and Wednesday, March 4, 1970, Civil at 18:30 on hours, at the offices of the Service Commission, 4205 Saint-Denis Street, Room 207, Montreal. Examinations for ANALYST Methods) GRADE Data 2 Processing Centre will be held Son (Organization and Tuesday, March 3, the 1970, Civil at Service 19:00 hours, Comat the offices of mission, 4205.

Saint-Denis Street, Room Montreal. The condidates who have completed all the prescribed formalities and who have been found admissible to these examinations have been advised by letter. Only those who have been so advised will be permitted to take the examinations. By order of the Montreal Civil Service Commission, JULIETTE BOIVIN, Secretary. City Hall, Montreal, March 2, 1970.

AIR CANADA TENDERS FOR BUILDING MONTREAL INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT DORVAL, QUEBEC Sealed Tenders will be received by E. W. Sellors, Chief Architect, Air Canada, Room 3410, Place Ville Marie, Montreal 113, Quebec, up to until 3:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on "March 31st, 1970 for the construction of a Building at Montreal International Airport, Dorval, Quebec. Tenders for Electrical and Mechanical work shall be submitted through Quebec Bid Depository, Montreal Region, 4970 Place de la Savane, Suite 200.

and Montreal, Quebec, up to until 3:30 p.m., Eastern Standard Time on March 27, 1970. The building is steel frame and masonry construction 01. foundations and is approxpile, imately 65,000 square feet in area. Plans, specifications and tender documents may be obtained by Prime Contractors from the office of Marchand Goudreau Dobush Stewart Bourke, Architects, 506 Ste. Catherine Street East, Montreal 132, Quebec, on deposit of $50.00 certified cheque payable to the Architects.

The deposit is refundable upon return of plans and specifications in good condition within eight days of closing of tenders. Sub-trades may examine plans, specifications and tender documents at the office of Montreal Construction Association, 4970 Place de la Savane, Montreal, Quebec, Huza-Thibualt Consulting Engineers, 1434 Ste. Catherine Street West, Montreal 107. Quebec, or Marchand Goudreau, Architects, Dobush 506 Stewart Ste. Catherine Street East.

Montreal 132, Quebec. All tenders must be submitted in strict conformity with the documents provided and must be accompanied by a certified cheque payable to Air Canada in an amount equal to at least of the tender. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. E. W.

SELLORS. Chief Architect. Air Canada, Montreal, Quebec. Danish freighter, blamed for ramming a barge that spilled oil into the St. Johns River.

Assistant Attorney-General T. T. Turnbull filed the suit Three families flee blaze A brief, but violent, threealarm fire forced evacuation of three families from an apartment building at 1207 de la Fontaine last night. According to witnesses, the fire started shortly after 7 p.m. in an oil barrel at the rear of the building.

The blaze was quickly brought under control, but damage was extensive. The 15 evacuated residents managed to retrieve many of their personal belongings. hitting the oil barge Thursday night. The state's suit included charges of improper operation after dark, failure to keep proper lookout, violation of federal and state laws governing navigation in the St. Johns River and failure to observe proper signals.

The state asked that the vessel be kept in the Jacksonville area for possible sale to cover damages. Drillers killed BOGOTA. Colombia (Reuters) Sixteen workers were killed when burning crude oil from a broken pipeline engulfed their camp in southwestern Colombia yesterday. TENDER CALL EXTENSION TO HOPITAL NOTRE-DAME DE L'ESPERANCE DE ST-LAURENT Owner: La Corporation de NotreDame de de St-Laurent. 1275, Saint-Laurent 381 747-4771.

Architect: Raymond Dufresne, 1275, Hodge, Saint-Laurent 379 748-8834. Structural Engineers: Claude Lanthier 235, boul. Dorchester, 129 861-8227. Mechanical Engineers: Desjardins, Sauriol 400, boul. Labelle, Laval 930 681-9221.

The general Contractors may obtain, at the Architect Raymond Dufresne's office, the official tendering documents, plans and specifications. Only the bids that are made on these official documents will be accepted. A deposit in cash or a certified cheque of ($500.00) will be required to obtain a set of plans and specifications. Any general Contractor who wishes to obtain additional copies of tendering documents, may do so at printing cost (not refundable), plus a deposit in cash (refundable) or a certified cheque of ($500.00) for each set of documents. To obtain the reimbursem*nt of his deposit, the general Contractor shall return to the Architect, at his office, the plans and specifications in his possession in a delay of ten: full days after the opening of the tenders.

After this delay, the general Contractor's deposit will be confiscated and will remain acquired of to the Architect for all legal purposes. If the general Contractor returns the plans and specifications incomplete or damaged, to the Architect, he shall pay for re-printing of the plans and specifications either missing or damaged and this cost will be reduced from the amount of the deposit, which he would be entitled otherwise. The Architect will be the only one to estimate the cost of the re-printing. If a general Contractor. after obtaining a set of plans and specificaitons, does not submit a tender at the hour and date fixed in advance, his deposit will be automatically confiscated without any recourse against anybody.

NO TENDERING DOCUMENTS WILL BE SENT BY MAIL The sub-contractors and material suppliers can obtain plans and specifications at the office of the general Contractors tendering on this project, and they also can consult the above mentioned documents at the office of: L'Association de Construction de 4970. Place de la Savane, 308. 739-3317. The sub-contractors of the specialties mentioned below shall sent their tender to: Bureau des Soumissions du 4970, Place de la Savane, (chambre 215), 308, 731-2273. Before 3.00 o'clock p.m.

April 2nd 1970. 'The sub-contractors' tenders shall be made on official documents supplied by the -Architect. All tenders of these specialties are to be accompanied (in the envelope addressed to the owner) either by a certified cheque or a bid bond supplied by an insurance company, legally constituted and legally authorized to take guaranty made to la Corporation de Notre-Dame de de St-Laurent, for an amount equivalent to of their tenders. The guaranties mentioned shall be made in favor of the general Contractor to which the contract will be awarded, at the time of the contract signature. On April the 2nd 1970 5.00 p.m.

there will be a meeting of the conseil d'administration de la Corporation, at 1275 ville Saint-Laurent, for the opening of the specialties tender which are: Precast Concrete (specification. Masonry 4-1) Insulation 4-2) Roofing Flashings 7-2) Exterior Openings 8-1, 8-2) Door Frames 8-3) Lathe Plaster 9-6) Hung Ceilings Acoustics 9-7) Carpets 9-4) Food Services 11-1) Sterilisation 11-3) Laboratories 11-2) Special Ceilings 13-3) Elevators 14-1) Pneumatics System 14-2) Dumb Waiter 14-6) Plumbing Heating 15-1, 15-2, 15-3) Ventilation Air Conditioning 15-4) Automatic Controls 15-5) Thermic Insulation 15-6) Electricity 16 The tenders of the general Contractors will be made on official documents supplied by Architect and should include the specialties mentioned above. The general Contractors should include with their tender a certified cheque or a bid bond of of the total amount of their tender, made to the Owner's name. The tenders will be sent in a special envelope supplied by the Architect. The general Contractors' bids will be received before 3.00 o'clock on April the 10th, 1970, at la Corporation de Notre-Dame de de St-Laurent, at the address mentioned above to the attention of Sour Jeanne-d'Are Beaudoin, secretary of the mentioned Corporation.

On April 10th, 1970 at 3.30 p.m. there will be a meeting of le Conseil 'Administration de Notre-Dame de de St-Laurent, to proceed to the opening of the tenders received as specified above. Only the general Contractors having their main office in the province of Quebec will be authorized to submit a tender. tal de de St-Laurent does not bind Note Conseil 'Administration la Corporation de to accept the lowest or any tender submitted. SOEUR JEANNE D'ARC BEAUDOIN, Secretary of the Corporation.

BIRTHS ACER. Tony and Nelly (nee de Takacsy) announce the birth of a son, February 27th, 1970, at Catherire Booth Hospital. Brother to John, Kathleen and Anthony. CARSWELL. To Robert and Gwen (nee Farnsworth), a son, Andrew James, brother to Janet, on February 28th, 1970, at the Montreal General Hospital.

CUNDILL. To Cynthia, wite of Robert E. Cundill, on Saturday, February 28th, 1970, at the Montreal General Hospital, a son. 3 ESSIAMBRE, To Karen on Thursday, February 26th, 1970, son, Dorian Brahn, at the Montreal General Hospital. First grandchild of Mrs.

Lucille Blunt. First great grandchild of Mrs. Harriett Robertson, Ottawa. 2 IRVING. Colin and Gay (nee Schindler) joyfully announce the birth of their daughter Gillian Anne.

Tuesday, February 24th, 1970, at the Montreal General Hospital; sister to Caroline and Andrew. Mother and baby doing well. KARALEKAS. To George and Bonnie (nee Saville) at the Montreal General Hospital, a son Dean (Constantine) George, 7 Ibs. on February 27th, 1970.

First grandchild of Mrs. Mary Karalekas and the late Gus (Constantine) Karalekas and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Saville. Blessed by God, all's well and happy.

2 LANK. Born to David and Ellen (nee Wallace), a daughter, Sarah Bailey, on February 26th, 1970, at the Catherine Booth Hospital. 2 PRIEUR. To Jean and Andree (nee Dontigny) on Friday, February 27th. 1970, at Notre Dame Hospital, a son, Jean Francois, 5 lbs.

10 ozs. Mother and son both well. DEATHS ANNISON, Harry 5. At Ross Memorial Hospital on February 28th, 1970, beloved husband of Elizabeth Cartland. Funeral from D.

A. Collins Chapel, 5610 Sherbrooke St. Tuesday, at 2 p.m. to Lakeview Cemetery. 3 BRACKEN, Ann.

At the Montreal Protestant Hospital, on Friday, February 27th, 1970, Ann Clancy, in her 85th year, beloved wife of the late Hugh John Bracken, and dear mother of James and Clarence (Tuddy). Funeral from Robt M. White Son Funeral Home, 4484 St. Catherine St. East on Monday, March 2nd, at 8.45 a.m.

Interment Hawthorn-Dale Cemetery. 2 CALLAGHAN, Bridget. On February 27th, 1970, at her residence, Bridget Murray, widow of James B. Callaghan; dear mother of Patrick, James and Rita. Resting at the Clarke Funeral Home, 5580 Sherbrooke St.

West. Requiem Mass in St. Augustine of Canterbury Church on Monday at 9 a.m. Interment Cote Neiges Order of St. Cemetery.

Francis. Member of 2 CANTOR, Anna. On Saturday, February 28th, 1970, beloved wife of Philip Cantor, dear mother of Zelman, Mrs. Maurice Kaufman (Mir1am) and Joseph, sister of Rebecca of Pittsburgh, devoted grandmother of Mrs. Edward Salpeter (Kayla) and Norman Kaufman, Brian Salpeter and Peter Kaufman.

Funeral. service took place from Paperman Sons Cote des Neiges Chapel, 5605 Cote des Neiges Road, on Sunday, March 1st, at 12 noon to Farband Labor Zionist Organization Cemetery. Shiva at 4929 Cum- berland Ave. 2 CATTINY, Antoine. In Montreal on February 1970.

Age 66 years. Antoine Cattiny, beloved husband of Nellie Habib. Survived by two brothers Zaky, Albert and one sister Katherine Farha. Funeral Monday, March 2nd from Urgel Bourgie Funeral Home, 745 Cremazie W. For service in St.

George Syrian Orthodox Church at 2 p.m. Thence to Mount Royal Cemetery. Please omit flowers, donations may be made to Cardiologie Institute and will be appreciated. 2 DAVID, Raymond. In Montreal, February 28th, 1970, aged 39 years, Raymond David, beloved husband of Diana Chamandy of 1315 Brochu, St.

Laurent, dear father of Catherine and James, dear son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo David, brother of Minerva (Mrs. Edmund David), George, Richard and Marcia. Funeral Monday, March 2nd, from Urgel Bourgie FUneral Home, 2095 de Salaberry, for service in St.

Nicholas Syrian Orthodox Church at 11 a.m. Interment Mount Royal Cemetery. Please omit flowers. 2 EVERITT, Saunders (Sandy). Suddenly at home February 27th, 1970.

Private funeral, Mt. Royal Crematorium. 2 FLECK, Minota. In hospital at Clearwater, Florida, on Thursday, February 26th, 1970, Minota Beardsley, beloved wife of Louis W. Fleck, 780 Island Park Drive, Ottawa, mother of Mrs.

Stuart Young (Joan), James and David, all of Ottawa; sister of Rufus Beardsley and Mrs. Theresa Huntley of Ottawa. Resting at Hulse Playfair Central Chapel, 315 McLeod Street, Ottawa. Service Monday, 2 p.m. Interment Beechwood Cemetery.

In lieu of flowers, donations to the Ontario Heart Foundation will be appreciated. 2 GREGORY, Philip S. At his resi- dence, on Thursday, February 26th, 1970, Philip S. Gregory, beloved husband of the late Margaret Heaton Gregory, and dear father of Mary (Mrs. Stuart Webster) and Peter G.

Gregory. Funeral service at Christ Church Cathedral, on Monday, March 2nd, at 10 a.m. 2 HISco*ck, George Thomas. On February 27th, 1970, at the Queen Mary Veterans' Hospital, aged 73, dear father of Ida (Mrs. B.

Denesevich), Marion (Mrs. A. Jackson), George, Robert, Frank, Norman, Colin, Lynn, David and Edward; also survived by 37 grandchildren. Funeral notice later. 2 Favor marriage TUEBINGEN (AP) Eighty five per cent of the replies in a countrywide West German poll favored allowing Roman Catholic priests to marry, the Wickert Institute reported.

The poll took in 1,971 persons and was not restricted to Roman Catholics, the institute said. Florist 5. Nielsen, Grower FUNERAL FLOWERS 4467 St. Catherine W. 933-2751 between Metcalfe Melville Miso FLORISTS "For Flowers" Please" 1420' McGILL COLLEGE 849-7721 DEATHS HUTCHEON, Pearl.

At the Mont. real General Hospital, on February 27th, 1970, Pearl Semple, beloved wife of Charles Hutcheon, dear mother of Kenneth and Norma (Mrs. Carl Webb). Funeral from the Chapel of Jos. C.

Wray and 1234 Mountain 3 p.m. Monday to Mount Royal Cemetery. 2 KATZ, Hyman. Suddenly on Sunday, March 1st, 1970, beloved husband of Gwendolyn Alboim, dear father of Mrs. Maury Struzer (Doris), Mrs.

Max Rosenbloom (Ruth), of New York; Mrs. Harold Glagow (Rose), of New Rochelle, N. Mrs. Joe Shapiro (Judy), Manuel, Bill and Oscar Katz; devoted grandfather of Harvey and Franceen Struzer, Marlene and Brian Shapiro, Maureen, Stephen, Hillery, Jacqueline and Debbie Glagow, Dean, Sari, Tisa, Michael and Avi Katz, Garry, Marla and Heidi Katz, Robin and Mark Katz. Funeral services from Paperman Sons Cote des Neiges Chapel, 5605 Cote des Neiges Road, on Tuesday, March 3rd at 11 a.m.

to Victoria Hebrew Sick Benefit Association Cemetery, de la Savanne. Shiva at 5727 Wentworth Avenue, Cote St. Luc. 3 KENNEDY, James. At the Montreal General Hospital on February 28th, 1970, James Kennedy, beloved husband of Gertrude McCulloch, dear step-father of Robert Earl Tough of Cornwall, Ontario; dear brother of Jane (Mrs.

J. K. Gardner), Charlotte and Henry Kennedy, and dear uncle of Charlotte Bowles-Lyon. Funeral from the Chapel of Jos. C.

Wray 1234 Mountain Street, 10 a.m. Tuesday to Mt. Royal Cemetery, 3 KNUTTON, George H. At Maisonneuve Hospital, Saturday, February 28th, 1970, George Knutton, beloved husband of Jean Johnstone and dear father of Mrs. K.

Flanders (Heather), Peter and Richard. Also survived by two grandchildren. Funeral from Robt. M. White Son Funeral Home, 4484 St.

Catherine St. on Wednesday, March 4th at p.m. Interment Hawthorne Dale Cemetery. LANG, Bertha. Suddenly at Howick, Quebec, February 28th, 1970, Bertha S.

Younie, aged 71, beloved wife of James D. Lang, dear mother of Gordon, Donald and Burton; dear sister of Miss Elsie Younie of Montreal. Resting at McGerrigle Funeral Home, Ormstown. Funeral from St. Paul's United Church, on Monday, March 2nd at 2.30 p.m.

Interment at Riverfield Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Barrie Memorial Hospital. 2 MACASKILL, Ian. At St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, B.C., suddenly on February 24th, 1970, aged 49 years.

Beloved husband of Joan Dickson, dear father of David, Dawn, Douglas and Dean, son of Christina, and the late D. B. Macaskill, and brother of Archibald and Bain. Cremation and private service was held on Saturday, February 28th, in Vancouver. Interment at Mount Royal Cemetery.

Memorial service to be held on Tuesday at 3 p.m. at St. Peter's Church, 900 Laird Town of Mount Royal. 2 MacLEAN, Colin. At Montreal on March 1, 1970, in his 95th year, beloved husband of the late Annie Ross, dear father of Alex, David and Joyce.

Funeral private from D. Collins Chapel, 5610 Sherbrooke St. on Tuesday at 11 a.m. to Lakeview Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations to a charity of your choice would be appreciated.

3 MANGOLD, Rowena Lanyon. At the Royal Victoria Hospital, on February 26th, 1970, Rowena Lanyon Mangold of Pittsburg, Kansas. After a short illness, wife of Carl Rene Mangold, mother of C. Rene of San Francisco. Funeral from the Chapel of Jos.

C. Wray 1234 Mountain Street, 2 p.m. Monday, to Mount Royal Cemetery. No flowers, please. 2 McCLAY, James W.

At the Montreal General Hospital on Sunday, March 1st, 1970, James William McClay, aged 53 years, dearly beloved husband of Clara Matthews and dear father of Linda and William. Funeral Wednesday at 10 a.m. from the Chapel of J. W. MacGillivray Sons, 307 Riverside Drive, St.

Lambert to Mt. Royal Cemetery. 3 McMILLAN, Amy Lewis McPhee. At London, Ontario, February 27th, 1970, beloved wife of the late A. W.

McMillan, and dear mother of Isabel (Mrs. J. J. Applegarth) of San Francisco and the late Jim. Funeral March 3rd at St.

Finan's Cathedral, Alexandria, Ontario, at 11 a.m. 2 MOLLOY, James J. At Maisonneuve Hospital on February 28th, 1970, in his 47th year, beloved husband of Ann Trottier, dear father of Gary, Brian and Gayle, son of Mrs. Caroline Molloy and the late Harry Molloy, brother of the late Harry Jr. Mabel, Gordon and Robert.

Funeral service Wednesday, March 4th at 10 a.m. from J. A. Guilbault Funeral Home 5359 St. Rosemount.

Thence to Field of Honor, Pointe Claire. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Griffith-McConnell Home, 5760 Parkhaven, Cote St. Luc. 3 Dominion Horal 1012 ST. CATHERINE ST.

866-9331 FLOWERS SAY SO MUCH SO WELL DON'T OMIT SYMPATHY Send Flowers ROYALVALE NURSERY LTD. 5134 Macdonald Ave. 481-5634 F.T.D O'CONNELL, Sarah. In this city Friday, February 27th, 1970, Sarah Ann. Black, wife of the late Patrick George O'Connell.

Funeral was held from Rosedale Chapel, 4911 Cote des Neiges on Satur. day, Interment Cote des Neiges Cemetery, 2 RAPHAEL, Sarah Louise. After short illness at the Montreal General. Hospital on February 27th, 1970, Sarah Louise Raphael; survived by her sisters Marie (Mrs. E.

H. Moore), Nancy (Mrs. S. A. McLernon).

Resting at the Chapel of Jos. C. Wray 1234 Mountain St. Funeral private Tuesday morning 10 Cote des Neiges Cemetery, 3 SALLEY, Mary Francis. At St.

Ann's Convent, Lachine, February 28th, 1970, Sister Mary Francis, in her 79th year, dear sister Irene, R.N. Also survived by several nieces and nephews. Resting at Mount St. Ann's, 1850 Prevost Street. Funeral service Monday at 3 p.m.

2 SCHATIA, Pauline. Suddenly on Sunday, March 1st, 1970, beloved wife of George Schatia, dear mother of Mrs. Lionel Goldfarb (Gene) and David I. Schatia; also survived by four grandchildren. Funeral service from Paperman Sons Cote des Neiges 5605 Cote des Neiges Road, on Monday, March 2nd at 11 a.m.

to Spanish Portuguese Congregation Cemetery. Shiva private. 2 SIMPSON, Clara Margaret. Suddenly at Melbourne; Florida, U.S.A., on February 25th, 1970. Beloved wife of Elmer Simpson and the late Frank R.

Walker; dear sister of Elizabeth Brodie of Montreal and Jessie Stirton of Surrey, England. Interment Mount Royal Cemetery. 2 TOVELL, Joyce. At the Montreal General Hospital, March 1st, 1970, Joyce Kennedy, beloved wife of Bruce Tovell; dear mother of Robert and Jane; beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Kennedy of Toronto, Ontario. Resting at D. A. Collins Funeral Home, 222 Metropolitan Pointe Claire. Funeral service in the Chapel on Tuesday at 11 a.m.

Interment Parklawn Cemetery, Kingsway, Toronto, Ontario. Please omit flowers. 2 DO YOU HAVE AN ESTATE SETTLEMENT PROBLEM? If there is no will or you have been appointed executor and need advice, call us now for expert, understanding help. Emergency funds advanced in some cases. Let us discuss it with no obligation on your part.

Phone Ian MacGregor at 842-8251 or write: Estates Department, GUARDIAN TRUST Company 618 St. James St. W. Montreal 101 842-8251 William Wray Chapel WILLIAM WRAY INC. 2075 University St.

Phone VI. 9-2277 Funeral Directors William Wray 0. B. Walton W. O.

Walton Parking Facilities Robt. M. 1. White Sun Funeral Home 4484 ST. CATHERINE ST.


and Towers Street 937-9278 DEATHS.

The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2024)


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Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.